
Saturday, March 4, 2017

What do Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, William Shakespeare, and J.R.R. Tolkien have in common?

Beside the obvious – being British – that is.

They’re all part of the Mini-March Reading Challenge, but before I explain – a joke, or two.

Sherlock Holmes and Watson walk into a bar. Sherlock orders a brandy, Watson a pint of beer.

Next Shakespeare and Gimili the Dwarf walk into the bar, but before they can order the bartender throws them both out.

Watson muses out loud, "Why did he do that?"
Sherlock replies: "Elementary my dear Watson. The tall one – he’s Bard; the short one – they don't serve miners.

Several hours, and pints, later, a Ring Wraith walks into the bar.
Watson cozies up close, and with slurred speech asks: "What's a Naz Gul like you doin in a place like this?

And now the Reading Challenge. According to an official compendium of specially designated days

March 17-19 is Sherlock Holmes Weekend
-- For this I read: The Gloria Scott and The Musgrave Ritual

March 20-26 is Shakespeare Week
-- For this I read: The Two Gentlemen of Verona

March 25 is National Tolkien Reading Day
-- For this I read: Beowulf translated by J.R.R. Tolkien and Sellic Spell by J.R.R. Tolkien

And you can read what Hamlette at the Edge of the Precipice read for this challenge  HERE.

I bet you can guess what the challenge is then. Read one, two, or all three on the designated dates. All three have numerous short stories, plays, or poetry that can easily be completed in an hour or two – but feel free to tackle a larger work if you like.

You can “join” by replying here, with or without your intended reading list. When you complete the challenge, reply back here with a link (either one combined or separate for each author), and I’ll post your link directly into the challenge page.

Also, feel free to place the “button” on your blog. The more the merrier (hmmm…”the more the merrier”, seems like it could be one of those thousands of Shakespeareisms, that has made its way into our everyday language.)