
Saturday, October 16, 2021

The Classics Club Spin #28

It is time for the 28th edition of the Classics Club Spin – List 20 books from my Classics Club TBR, the moderators will pick a random number between 1 - 20, and I then have until December 12, 2021 to read the corresponding book. 


UPDATE: The SPIN landed on #12 meaning The Haunting of Hill House for me. I'm quite happy about this because I was disappointed with both of my reads for R.I.P XVI, so I'm going to add it to that challenge.('s allowed). 

It so happens, I have exactly 20 novels left on my Round III list, including the Foundation trilogy by Isaac Asimov – which I intend to read in order, so if I get one of them, I’ll have to read all three. I’m hoping for The Last Unicorn #20, or The Great God Pan #16. I’d rather not get any of the big tomes, but that’s sort of the point of the spin, right? Motivate us to read, what we’re not motivated for. I’m still hoping for #20 or #16 though.



My spin list


1. Foundation and Empire

2. Dombey and Son

3. The Recognitions 

4. Portnoy's Complaint

5. Martin Chuzzlewit

6. The Death of the Heart 

7. Second Foundation

8. Nightmare Abbey 

9. Foundation

10. Little Dorrit

11. Barnaby Rudge

And the winner is...

12. The Haunting of Hill House

13. The Adventures of Oliver Twist

14. The Magus

15. Our Mutual Friend

16. The Great God Pan

17. Loving

18. A House for Mr. Biswas 

19. Lord Jim

20. The Last Unicorn



  1. I've only read your #12 by Shirley Jackson. Good luck!

    1. Woot! And, there are plenty of film options to watch after, if that's something you like.

  2. Nice list. I enjoyed a lot Lord Jim, but had a hard time with Foundation, even though I loved other books by Asimov and read a good amount of scifi.
    Here is my list:

    1. I'm looking forward to Foundation...but don't especially want to do the whole trilogy right now.

  3. Lots of Dickens on your list! I loved Our Mutual Friend, but I hope you get 16 or 20.

  4. I've read all of Shirley Jackson. Great writer, but boy, she must have lived in a dark place for all her life. I form this conclusion nit only from her works, but also her biography. I'd like to find out more about her five children and how they turned out.

    1. I wasn't thrilled, or particularly scared, by Hill House, but I did like Jackson's writing.
