Average rating 3.5 Stars out of 5
11. ★★★★ Invisible Man
12. ★★½ The Sun Also Rises
13. ★★½ To the Lighthouse
14. ★★★ As I Lay Dying
15 ★★★½ Brave New World
16. ★★★★★ The Lord of the Rings
17. ★★★½ Slaughterhouse Five
18. ★★★★★ To Kill a Mockingbird
19. ★★★ A Clockwork Orange
Favorite: The Lord of the Rings
Least Favorite: To the Lighthouse
Best Hero/Heroine: Scout Finch from To
Kill a Mockingbird
Worst Villain: Sauron from The Lord
of the Rings
can’t decide if this category should be Worst Villain, or Best Villain)
Most interesting/Complex character: The
invisible man from Invisible Man
Best Quotation: Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird: I wanted you to
see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man
with a gun in his hand. It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin but
you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what.
Best film adaptation: Tie: To Kill a Mockingbird and The Lord of
the Rings
Worst film adaptation: Invisible
Man (only because it hasn’t been
made into a film, and none of the others were bad)