
Appolinaire, Guillaume
Armitage, Simon
Ashbery, John
Astley, Neil
Atwood, Margaret
Auden, W. H.
Bachmann, Ingebord
Bashō, Matsuo
Baudelaire, Charles
Bécquer, Gustavo Adolfo
Bishop, Elizabeth
Blake, William
Borges, Jorge Luis
Brontë, Emily
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
Browning, Robert
Byron, George Gordon (Lord)
Carroll, Lewis
Celan, Paul
Cernuda, Luis
Char, René
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Corbière, Tristan 
Crane, Hart
de Biedma, Jaime Gil
de la Croix, Jean
de Lautréamont, Comte
de Lorris, Guillaume
de Vigny, Alfred
Dickinson, Emily
Donaghy, Michael
Donne, John
Doolittle, Hilda
Dove, Rita
Duffy, Carol Ann
Dunn, Douglas
Eliot, T. S.
Éluard, Paul 
Eschenbach, Wolfram
Evaristo, Bernadine
Ferlin, Nils
Fitzgerald, Edward
Frost, Robert
Gibran, Kahlil
Ginsber, Allen
Góngora, Luis
Heaney, Seamus
Hejinian, Lyn
Hölderlin, Friedrich
Housman, A. E.
Hughes, Langston
Hughes, Ted
Hugo, Victor
Hunt, Leigh
Imlah, Mick
Keats, John
Kinnell, Galway
Kipling, Rudyard
Selected Poems
Koch, Kenneth
Kosztolányi, Dezső
Larkin, Philip
Lear, Edward
Leopardi, Giacomo
Lindegren, Erik
Logue, Christopher
Lorca, Federico García
Lorde, Audre
Machado, Antonio
Mallarmé, Stéphane
Martinson, Harry
Marvell, Andrew
Masters, Edgar Lee
Millay, Edna St. Vincent
Miłosz, Czesław
Milton, John
Mistral, Gabriela
Montale, Eugenio
Moore, Marianne
Neruda, Pablo
O'Hara, Frank
Olivares, Julián 
Oswald, Alice
Owen, Wildred
Paterson, Don
Pavese, Cesare
Peele, George
Perse, Saint-John
Pessoa, Fernando
Poe, Edgar Allan
The Poems
Pope, Alexander
Pound, Ezra
Prévert, Jacques 
Pushkin, Alexander
Rich, Adrienne
Rilke, Rainer Maria
Rimbaud, Arthur
Roethke, Theodore
Ronsard, Pierre
Rosetti, Christina Georgina
Rumi, Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi, Jalal
Seth, Vikram
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Stevens, Wallace
Temperley, Hector Viel
Tennyson, Alfred
The Early Poems
The Book of Songs (China)
Thomas, Dylan
Valéry, Paul
Vallejo, César
Verlaine, Paul
Villon, François 
Von Strassburg, Gottfried
Walcott, Derek
Whitman, Walt
Williams, William Carlos
Wordsworth, William
Yeats, William Butler


  1. This is a very long list. Just start with Kipling and Tennyson as most of the others pale by comparison. Keats is very evocative as well. No Shakespeare? His sonnets are marvels even though most were not written for a woman.

    1. Thanks for the recs. Yeah this list is just a giant TBR. I will not get to them all in my lifetime. I have an entire separate page for Shakespeare. That, I might be able to get through.

  2. Great list! A few recommendations for individual works:
    Blake - Songs of Innocence & Experience - I haven't read this in its entirety, but it seems like the place to start with Blake
    Byron - Manfred (this is a play) I read this last year and it was fantastic! Don Juan is kind a commitment (I haven't read it) but Manfred is pretty short.
    Wordsworth & Coleridge - Lyrical Ballads - I think Wordsworth wrote most of these but they are both listed as authors
    Ted Hughes - Tales from Ovid - I need to reread this after I finish Metamorphoses, but it is an interesting version of selected passages from Ovid.
    Neruda - I Explain A Few Things: The Selected Poems of Pablo Neruda - I am currently reading this one
