Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Six Degrees of Separation - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland to The Sherlock Holmes canon

Six Degrees of Separation is a monthly meme hosted by Kate @ BooksAreMyFavoriteandBest

It’s not often that I’ve read the starting book, but since I recently read Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland it seems like a good month to join in
Adventures in Wonderland – There are two prominent rabbits in Alice’s Adventures: The White Rabbit and the Marsh Hare. Yes, I know one’s a rabbit and one’s a hare, so to be more precise, two different leporidae, and they reminded me of…
Watership Down – a dangerous journey, by a small group of rabbits, to find a new home. The journey is guided by Fiver and his sixth sense away from danger and to their new home and safety. Much like…
The Stand – another small group, humans this time, and a similar journey, guided by their dreams and visions to a place of safety. It is an epic contest of good vs evil, which reminds me of…
The Lord of the Rings – which is sometimes described as the gold standard of the fantasy genre; a genre that isn’t always afforded full respect among the classics. Similarly,…
Dune – the gold standard of Sci-Fi, and for no other reason than they are both Sci-Fi, Dune reminds me of…
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress – There is a sentient computer in this Sci-Fi classic, designated a High-Optional, Logical, Multi-Evaluating Supervisor Mark IV or HOLMES IV. Mannie, the main character, nicknames the computer, Mike, short for Mycroft, as in Mycroft Holmes. There are several other references to the Sherlock Holmes, so my final link is to the Sherlock Holmes canon. And that is how you get from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland to the Sherlock Holmes canon.

But wait, there’s more, just a serendipitous bonus. Mannie is apparently well read and often quotes the classics. At one point, he exclaims “curiouser and curiouser” – which is of course quoting Alice from Adventures in Wonderland.
