Monday, November 7, 2022

The Life of Our Lord by Charles Dickens

The Life of Our Lord by Charles Dickens is his retelling of the story of Jesus Christ, gleaned from the Gospels. It was written exclusively for his children.


According to the introduction in my version, Dickens forbade publication of the text and begged his sister-in-law to make sure the family “would never even hand the manuscript, or a copy of it, to anyone to take out of the house.”


The family continued to read it every Christmas and delayed publication until the last of Dickens’ children had passed away.


If he didn’t want it published, I presume he wouldn’t want it reviewed. Out of respect for his wishes, then, I offer no commentary.


This is just a check-mark. I read it.




…I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me. ~ Jesus Christ (John 14:6)


  1. I have never heard about this text. But if Dickens insisted on it not being published, I don't think I'd want to read it either.

    It's good of you for not reviewing it, Joseph!
