Friday, October 28, 2016

The 100 Books Tag

FictionFan created this tag, and then I saw it at My Book Strings. Looked fun, so here goes...

What is the 100th book on your TBR list?
Wasn't planning on math, but nonetheless: I’m on #74 right now, so #174 is Shane, by Jack Schaefer

Take your current book, open it to page 100, and quote a few sentences that you like.
This happens to be Great Expectations, chapter XIV, first page:
I used to stand about the churchyard on Sunday evenings when night was falling, comparing my own perspective with the windy marsh view, and making out some likeness between them by thinking how flat and low both were, and how on both there came an unknown way and a dark mist and then the sea.

When you are 100, what author(s) do you know you will still be re-reading regularly?
I feel inclined to first say that my Great-Grandfather lived to 101 and my Grandmother lived to 104. So, this could happen. I know I’ll still be rereading Tolkien and Dickens. Besides them, I’ll probably still be working on the 1000 Greatest Novels.

Link to your 100th post. Do you still agree with it?
It was a Top Ten Tuesday, asking for the most anticipated book releases of 2015. Yeah, I still agree with it.

Name a book you love, that has less than 100 pages:
Easy: The Little Prince. (click here for why)

Oh wait! It wasn't so easy. Another book I love with less than 100 pages: The Story of the Other Wise Man. (click here for why)

If someone gave you £100, which would be the five books you would rush to buy?
Let’s see £100 would give me $121.89 (ya know, I started a reading blog so there wouldn’t be math…GRRR!). I’m after these…not sure I’d be able to get all five:

What book do you expect to be reading 100 days from now?
Ordinarily, this would be hard to figure with confidence (really? More math?), but I am fairly certain I’ll be somewhere in the middle of Les Misérables

Looking at The Guardian’s list of “The 100 greatest novels of all time”, how many have you read? Of the ones you haven’t, which ones would you most like to read? And which will you never read?
I’ve read 56 of them. I plan to read them all. In fact, I used this, and several others, to make a composite, now known as MY LIST (see the next question for more information)

Create your own 100-themed question to answer.

So, just like the previous question. From MY LIST, how many have you read, and from those you haven’t, which are you most likely to read?

If you've read this, consider yourself tagged. Of course, you are not compelled to answer, but your book blogging license may be revoked if you don't.



  1. Great answers, and I'm glad you've joined in! From your list, I've read 40 so far and have about another 10 or 15 waiting in either my Classics Club list or my Great American Novel Quest list. So the ones I'll be reading next are Moby-Dick (which I'm reading now), Gone with the Wind and Slaughterhouse-Five, all of which are on my TBR for the next three months.

    So glad to see The Heart of the Matter on your wishlist - it's one of my all-time favourite books. Hope you enjoy it when you get to it! :D

    1. Thanks for the feedback. Hang in there with MD. I'd didn't love it either, but the final chapters read much easier...and are worth the wait. I LOVED GWTW, and S5 is quite interesting.

  2. I enjoyed reading your answers! I'm planning to do this tag in the next few days too. I'm pleased to see The Good Soldier is on your wish list - I read it last year and thought it was fascinating.

    You've read a lot more books than I have from the Guardian list, and from your list I've only read 30, which isn't very impressive. I, Claudius is on my Classics Club list so I'll probably be reading that one soon.

    1. Thanks Helen. I'll watch for your answers. Enjoy I, Claudius.

  3. Oh, I need to read A Little Prince! Also, Dickens at 100. Yes, I would love to do that too. :) How fun is it to guess where we'll be in literature in 100 days? You'll be in France, and I'll be in Concord. :) I answered your final question at my place today, when I posted this tag...

    1. Little Prince...yes, you must. It might take an hour.

      Cool...I've been to France...and I've been to Concord, LMA's childhood house as a matter of fact.

  4. Lol the tag is also fitting for your blog, considering your blog name.
