Saturday, December 31, 2022

2022 Reading Year in Review




I read 38 individual works: 21 novels/novellas; two short story collections; three Sherlock Holmes short stories; two plays; one mythology/folklore; one Shakespeare play; one biography; three other non-fiction; three Christmas reads; and The Bible: Gospels, The Acts, and Romans.



The Recognitions by William Gaddis

Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee

Stardust by Neil Gaiman

The Death of the Heart by Elizabeth Bown

Portnoy's Complaint by Philip Roth

Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie

The Adventures of Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens

The Princess Bride by William Goldman

Foundation by Isaac Asimov

Foundation andEmpire by Isaac Asimov

Second Foundation by Isaace Asimov

Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino

The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle

Nightmare Abbey by Thomas Love Peacock

A House for Mr. Biswas by V. S. Naipaul

The Maltese Falcon by Dashiell Hammett

The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame

Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan

The Blue Castle by Lucy Maud Montgomery

Legends of The Fall by Jim Harrison

Bang the Drum Slowly by Mark Harris


Short Story collections: 

The Haunted House by Charles Dickens and others

Young Goodman Brown and Other Short Stories by Nathaniel Hawthorne


Sherlock Holmes short stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle:

The Stockbroker’sClerk

The Naval Treaty

The Cardboard Box


Mythology and Folklore:

The Silmarillion by J. R. R. Tolkien


Shakespeare Historical Play:

King Henry V



Lion of Liberty:The Life and Times of Patrick Henry

By Harlow Giles Unger



The Prince by Niccoló Machiavelli

The Life of our Lord by Charles Dickens

Thru the Bible: Volume 4 by J. Vernon McGee


Christmas reads:

Is there a Santa Claus New York Sun editorial by Francis Church

A Country Christmas by Louisa May Alcott

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight  

author unknown, translation by J. R. R. Tolkien


Reading Challenges:

Back to the Classics 2022

What’s in a Name? 2022


A Literary Christmas 2022



And finally, I read 18 books for The Classics Club, Round III



  1. I had not thought of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight as a Christmas read, but I suppose it is. Such a great poem!

    Happy New Year!

    1. I didn't really think of it that way either, but yeah. It is a great story. I hope you and yours have a blessed new year also.

  2. I have yet to read Princess Bride!
    And I'm intrigued by Hawthorne's short stories. Have only read his A Scarlett Letter so far.

    Happy New Year! Wishing you a joyful reading journey in 2023!

    1. I have put The Princess Bride on my "TBR" this year, Fanda...! (wink, wink)

    2. I think I may be a bigger fan of the film than the book, but both are wonderfully quirky.

  3. Looks like a great year! I'm impressed you're still chugging along on the Classics Club, I've all but abandoned it.
