Or – is there meaning more profound hidden in
plain sight?
Why would a childless academic, theologian, poet,
and writer suddenly decide to write a children’s story? How could the result,
if it be so simple as some decried, stand the test of time and have such
widespread appeal?
Narnia: The Seven Heavens in the Imagination of C. S. Lewis is Michael Ward’s scholarly examination of
The Chronicles wherein he presents evidence that Lewis did indeed use mythological untruths to hint at theological
truths, a practice he did not invent but may have learned from Milton,
Dante, or Chaucer. Lewis may have been quietly laughing up his sleeve at his
Ward’s major premise appears to be that Lewis
used characteristics of the seven medieval (pre-Copernican) planets – Jupiter,
Mars, Sol, Luna, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn, and their associated mythology, as
themes, one for each of the seven books of The Chronicles. More importantly,
Lewis used the qualities of each planetary deity, to portray via subtle imagery
the attributes of the Christ figure Aslan.
…each planet, as a symbol of Christ, represents the ‘all-pervasive principle of concretion or cohesion whereby the universe holds together’
Lewis believed that the romantic or poetic is
at least as compelling as many scholarly arguments. It seems appropriate then
that The Chronicles of Narnia, Lewis’
most beloved and widely read work, should supersede his scholarly, but poorly
received apologetic Miracles. Ward’s
minor premise may be that The Chronicles were Lewis poetic answer to his more
academic Miracles.
I would do injustice to Ward and Lewis should
I attempt to defend Ward’s position. I will just state that he convinced me. I
was at first dubious at the use of pagan polytheistic symbols by a Christian
author to portray Christ, but Ward points out that medieval cosmology was a
lifelong passion of Lewis’ used frequently in his other works of fiction,
non-fiction, and poetry. Lewis believed that…
symbolism exists precisely for the purpose of conveying to the imagination what the intellect is not ready for.
I won’t attempt to explain Ward’s position in
any detail; for that I recommend the book, but I will offer a few examples of
the planetary symbology that Lewis portrayed as…
spiritual symbols of permanent value
Jupiter or Jove chases away winter, is the
bringer of jollity, influences people so they turn into helms of nations, and
is of course Sovereign – themes often repeated in The Lion the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and attributes of Aslan. Also,
the children often use the phrase “by Jove”, which is seldom used in elsewhere
in the Narniaed.
Mars is important to plant life, and symbolic
of war, major themes in Prince Caspian
Sol (the Sun) is the source of gold and makes
men wise – recurring themes in The Voyage
of the Dawn Treader. And of course, even the title is evocative of the Sun.
Luna (the moon) is the source of silver, a
theme of The Silver Chair, but the
most convincing symbol is the central theme of madness or lunacy.
Mercury the deity of languages and speed. In
astrology, Mercury rules Gemini or the twins and has a theme of “same but
sundered” In The Horse and His Boy,
twins Cor (Shasta) and Corin are separated at birth but reunited in the tale.
There is even at one point in this book a Narnian lord who wears a silver
helmet with wings on each side.
Venus the morning star (a Biblical name for
Christ), is also known as a comical spirit explaining why The Magician’s Nephew contains more humor than any of the other
Saturn is symbolic of Father Time, and time
marks the end of Narnia in The Last
Battle. The concept of time, aging, and death are evident in this Chronicle
which has more death than the other Chronicles combined.
These are only small peaks at Ward’s logic. For
me, the evidence is overwhelming. I don’t often read books about books, or
books about authors, but Lewis is an exception. If you have read The Chronicles
of Narnia, I highly recommend Planet Narnia.
Thus, in the Lion they become monarchs under sovereign Jove; in Prince Caspian they harden under strong Mars,; in The Dawn Treader they drink light under searching Sol; in the Silver Chair they learn obedience under subordinate Luna; in The Horse and His Boy they come to love poetry under eloquent Mercury; in the Magician’s Nephew they gain life-giving fruit under fertile Venus; and in The Last Battle they suffer and die under chilling Saturn.