Wednesday, May 18, 2022

NOVA this week (May 18, 2022)

NOVA this month actually. It’s been a while since I posted, and even longer since I reviewed anything. That is partially due to not enjoying my current read, Midnight’s Children, which always slows me down, but more significantly due to major life upheaval.

But in a good way.

My bride and I sold our house at the beginning of May, and downsized to a one bedroom apartment. Lest that sound like economic constraint, I will declare quite the opposite. I plan on retiring in early 2024, and then moving to Michigan to be near our grandchildren. With that life-change on the horizon, we decided to take advantage of the housing market, thinking the recent home buying frenzy was not likely to last much longer; we may have timed it nearly perfectly. We’ve done alright selling before, but I’ve always dreamed of selling in an extreme seller’s market, with buyers in a bidding war, and selling as-is for more than original asking price – and dreams do come true. Our house was on the market two days, before we had a contract at a premium price. We are very thankful.

But, this blessing resulted in a rather hectic period of yard sale, packing, shipping to storage, setting up the apartment, inspection, appraisal, and closing. All in just over a month.

All done now ***deep breath***

We are quite comfy and content in our new digs, though I do miss my library. Most of my books are in storage for a while. 

I will soon get back to reviewing books. A few of my long-time followers will recall that this blog was originally about my quest to read the 100 Greatest Novels. Midnight’s Children will be #198, so I should close out the second century of great novels this summer. 


The Wanderer



  1. Oh, I hear you! We did the same lightning sell-and-pack-and-move thing. Head spinning. But good for you! Not surprised about the slow down w/ Midnight's Children. I mean, I did not read that one, but the other one (can't remember title) and I couldn't go on. It was too bizarre and dark.

    1. Yes, I remember your move too. I'm glad we're done.
