Sunday, July 11, 2021

The Classics Club Spin #27

It is time for the 27th edition of the Classics Club Spin – List 20 books from my Classics Club TBR, the moderators will pick a random number between 1 - 20, and I then have until August 22nd to read the corresponding book. 


You’re probably wondering why August 22nd ?


In honor of National Pecan Torte Day of course.


My spin list



1. At Play in the Fields of the Lord

2. The Recognitions

3. Portnoy’s Complaint

4. The Adventures of Oliver Twist

5. Death of the Heart

6. The Worm Ouroboros

7. The Magus

8. Foundation

9. Martin Chuzzlewit

10. Dombey and Son

11. Little Dorrit

12. Barnaby Rudge

13. Nightmare Abbey

14. Our Mutual Friend

15. Loving

16. A House for Mr. Biswas

17. Lord Jim

18. Scoop

19. The Silver Sword (Escape from Warsaw)

20. The Maltese Falcon



I guess I’m hoping for #6. Nothing here I’m dreading though.


  1. Lots of lovely Dickens on the list! I loved Oliver Twist, Little Dorrit, and Our Mutual Friend, and I was surprised to find out how much I enjoyed Barnaby Rudge, which is possibly Dickens' least-read novel. Scoop is also quite fun. Good luck with your spin pick!

    1. Oh good. I didn't know what to expect from Scoop. Thanks for the feedback :)

  2. A fun-looking list. I'd never heard of The Silver Sword, which looks fun. Maltese Falcon is great as a novel, too, but it is hard not to think of the voices of Sydney Greenstreet, Peter Lorre, and Humphrey Bogart...

    1. I agree, it's a little hard to separate Bogart from Sam Spade. I'm sure I'll read envisioning him and hearing his voice. Enjoy your spin read!
