Saturday, June 8, 2024

Warrior Preachers by David A. Harrell

We must know…the power of sin and the greater power of the gospel to conquer it. ~ narrative


This is not your typical Christian life-help book. It is principally for preachers, pastors, and Bible teachers. However, it is still useful to laymen, like myself, since every Christian is in full-time Christian service. I have another, more personal, reason for reading this book, that I will address at the end of my review.


The author, Pastor Harrell, believes that 21st Century Christianity is facing “militant unbelief” and that…


Christians, especially pastors, must begin with the presupposition that we are vulnerable, prone to being naïve, apathetic, self-righteous, and overconfident.


He further asserts that…


Satan’s objective is: “to blind men to the truth of the gospel and prevent them from seeing the glory of Christ.


…the world is a battleground between two opposing kingdoms: Satan and his demonic horde; and God and His holy angels.


Harrell quotes and obviously agrees with the late A. W. Tozer, that…


A scared world needs a fearless church.


To that end, Harrell instructs preachers on the wiles of the enemy and God-given resources for waging spiritual warfare.


He describes the warrior’s: enemy, armor, weaponry, mindset, character, and rewards.


It is a powerful message, but as I’ve implied, not for the novice. It isn’t woke; it isn’t politically correct.


Harrell repeatedly cites private correspondence with a former Green Beret. This elite U.S. Army Warrior, identified as Joel C., draws parallels between modern physical warfare and spiritual warfare. Joel C. is a former fellow-laborer with the author, and also a dear friend of mine.


I’m grateful to the author and brother Joel for their valuable insight. I’m infinitely more thankful and blessed by the sufficiency of the atoning work of Jesus Christ our Lord.




  1. Hello my dear brother, Joe. Thank you for your review! I hope you got a lot out of the book. It is loaded with helpful information to equip us in the spiritual warfare in which we our engaged. Thanks again, for your review!

    1. Thanks for your friendship (and the gift of the book) 😊
