Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Love Bird (original poem by The Once Lost Wanderer)

April is Poetry Month

You are probably familiar with Edgar Allan Poe's most famous poem The Raven.

I've always been fascinated by that poem, and the unique meter. I've also always been a little depressed by its...depressing message.

So, once upon an evening idle...I decided to emulate Poe's meter, but with a more hopeful message. And therefore with all due courtesy to the inimitable poet Poe, I offer my own creation.

The Lovebird by J.E. Fountain

Once upon a day break brilliant, when my soul was still resilient,
To the fates and follies of my life and what it held in store,
That I idled haply reading, signs and seasons all unheeding, 
As the night was fast receding, came soft knocking on my door.
‘Who will this be' I wondered, ‘so early knocking on my door?’
Earlier than I'd known before.

Vaguely through the mist and motion, of my memory’s stormy ocean,
I recall with clearer notion how day dawned upon my shore.
For I’d slept and sweetly slumbered, with my conscience unencumbered
And so many joys unnumbered, for love of one that I adore.
Radiant beauty, heaven ordained, mine alone on earth to adore.
I scarce could e’er hope for more.

When the silence interrupted, and my solitude corrupted,
By the sound of slightest knocking that I've mentioned heretofore.
‘Twas the eve of fair midsummer, I resolve to meet this comer  
Ready, steady like a drummer, they keep knocking on my door.
Leaving me still to wonder who could be knocking on my door
Or if they’d come e’er before.

Curious now with nothing fearing, but some weary soul appearing,
Comes seeking respite, yes it was this and likely nothing more.
‘Wait' said I, ‘I am succumbing; you may now desist your drumming
Rest ye now for I am coming, to fair greet you at my door.
Be at ease, enter, join me’ said as I opened wide my door
Sunlight there and nothing more.

Long into the sunlight squinting, as my mind was gently hinting,
Golden rays came glancing, glinting, dancing bright upon my floor.
Nothing there, I was mistaken, blinking dumbly I awaken,
From idle dreams I’m shaken, and thoughts of one that I adore.
Charming word I smiled and whispered to the nothing there ‘adore’
Only this and nothing more.

Turning to my previous pleasure, tending to resume my leisure,
Once again I heard the measure of the drumming as before.
What can be this source of knocking, all my intellect it’s mocking
‘Tis nothing at all shocking, I simply renew my explore.
If not at my doorstep, there are other portals to explore
Than those I'd searched before.

From my window comes the clatter, I resolve to test the matter,
And at last the mystery shatter, of what seemed once at my door.
Could it be I mused and muddled, just a little bit befuddled
Some lost soul is huddled, at my window and not my door?
I hear ‘tis most clearly coming from my window not my door
‘Tis but this and nothing more.

Sitting there a rapturous songbird, likely all the noise that I heard,
Was his flit and flutter lighting on my pane and nothing more.
Thinking he would soon be winging, I’d regret to miss his singing,
And the simple joy that bringing, but he sat to look me o’er.
Curious that such a creature would be content to look me o’er
Unlike any known before.

And for reasons beyond reason, save perhaps the Orphic season,
I asked the winged visitor his name, indeed I did implore.
Expecting no satisfaction, nor any hope of interaction,
I quite reeled at his reaction, when he stated ‘Evermore.’
Extraordinary name for bird or beast was this Evermore
Now I must my wits restore.

Stoic sat he quite contented as my faculties invented
Some reason for this visitor and the message that he bore.
Whence to me comes this chimera, from some long forgotten era,
Or some mystic high sierra, where such birds are lost in lore?
I recalled a winged omen in volume of forgotten lore
‘Twas but legend nothing more.

Still it was so clearly spoken, could it not be some small token,
From the fates to guide and show me what my life still held in store?
Or held it no greater meaning, no cosmic force intervening,
Only circumstance convening, thoughts upon my mind galore?
Wild and fanciful illusions racing through my mind galore
Now I pray my wits restore.

Still he seemed so true and forthright, speaking plain at dawn’s first fair light,
That I deemed it would not do to doubt his mission anymore.
Rendered with such perfect diction, and expressed with pure conviction
I could not believe it fiction, but some message that he bore.
No doubt remained it was some prophetic message that he bore
I must ask him now for more.

Ah to but divine the meaning, all my consciousness was screening,
To discern the mystic message that had struck me to my core.
What indeed could be implicit, by this single word explicit,
Uttered by this fowl complicit, was the matter to explore.
Fearing all would evade me if I did not at once explore
Again he spoke ‘Evermore.’

Then, I thought the air grew lighter, and the day seemed dawning brighter,
As Shekinah beams descended from the heights where angels soar.
Blessed be this bird and sender and the message they did render,
Of the love I held so tender for the one I do adore.
‘Will love return to me from the only one I do adore?’
Quoth the songbird, ‘Evermore.’

‘Herald!’ said I, ‘vow of pleasure, whose one word I'll ever treasure,
Are you sent to grant love of the only one that I adore?
Messenger of favor bless me, does the grace of God caress me
For no word will e’er distress me, only this do I implore 
How long can true love last? I pray thee, again do I implore!’
Quoth the songbird ‘Evermore.’

‘Herald!’ said I ‘vow of pleasure, whose one word I'll ever treasure,
For joy without measure, you have promised this and so much more.
Nothing in you seems unruly, and I deem you tell it truly,
And you are appointed duly, to tell of one I adore.
Once more tell how long shall love endure with the one I adore?’
Quoth the lovebird ‘Evermore.’

‘Be that word our sign of greeting, if again our ways find meeting,
Should you e’er again return to take your rest upon my shore.’
Then he flew and left no token save the promise he had spoken
That my love should be unbroken all of time and evermore.
I shall ever bless the day I first heard him speak Evermore
Only this and nothing more.

As he flew so fly the seasons, leaving me no rhymes or reasons,
For his visitation and the glorious message that he bore.
Save sweet words to e’er remind me, that true love that once did find me,
Would with cords forever bind me, to the soul that I adore.
Blessed to share a joyful life with the true love that I adore.
Love abides forevermore!

© 2015 Joseph E. Fountain


  1. Speechless, I am speechless. This is wonderful!
    I'll have to read it twice....and again....just as I do The Raven.
    Poe's poem is one of my favorites and I reviewed it a few weeks ago.
    I love the meter and rhymn. I always read it ALOUD...when I a alone...just with the cats! Congratulations on a great literary achievement!
